Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh so Few Friends......

I have very few friends and I'm OK with that. It's hard to be a friend when you are a Mother to children and a Wife to your husband. When I speak of "being a friend" I'm referring to that old saying, "you have to be a friend to have a friend". Maybe that is why I have so few friends. My family comes first and then what little time I have left is for caring for myself, friendship and volunteering. I have lost good people in my life whom I thought were my friends and weakened current friendships because of this personal conviction. But I am true to the fact that I made a commitment the day I got married and had my first born, that is where I need to put my energy. I must admit it would be a lot more fun to focus on friendship, spend my days out for coffee, have adult conversation, shop and be available to help a friend in need without any kind of schedule conflict or babysitting dilemma. Sounds wonderful doesn't it?

Now in my late 30's I'm enjoying having just a handful of close friends, each very different and special in their own way. For the most part I think they understand my philosophy on family coming first and except all the other little quirky things about me. They know that I don't like to answer my phone. Or that at times I can talk for hours on end if you let me but if I'm having a bad week that I need my space. I'm not good with writing letters or on time with thank you notes and I'm a last minute planner. The best part about true friendship is that it's unconditional.

As far as all the other wonderful people that I know in my life..... I get to know them, enjoy who they are and experience things with them and move on. Maybe I will see them again and maybe I will not. Some leave lasting impressions, some even change my life but most often they are people just passing through my experience of life. So thank you to my truest of true friends who love me for who I am. I love you for you. Thank you to everyone that goes through life with me - you are all a blessing.

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