Friday, September 18, 2009

Day w/o Kids!

My husband and I had the luxury of spending the day together without our children. It felt like we were playing hooky. I honestly don't remember the last time Tom took a vacation day while the kids were in school so we could spend time together. In the past, we have always been in the middle of a remodel of some sort and that is where the bulk of Tom's vacation time has been spent. Those circumstances were usually unpleasant for both of us.

It was different this time, we were both relaxed, yet excited to see what the day would bring. It was beautiful outside and I felt like a young woman on her first date. Honestly, I didn't think I had it in me. I put on a little make-up, made sure I didn't wear sweat pants, curled my hair and off we went in the Jeep with the top down. Destination unknown, just free as free could be. No complainers in the back seat. Great music, no forced conversation, the chill of Autumn air and the beautiful sun. It doesn't get much better than that. Oh wait yes it does..... add to that a low fat vanilla latte and it sweetens the deal.

Yes we talked about the kids but we could talk openly, we could agree to disagree and we could finish a conversation unlike at home surrounded by two sets of ears. We weren't forced to make any heavy decisions. We shared a blueberry scone that wasn't very good but, for some reason sharing it with Tom made it taste all that much better.

We took the long way every where we went, ran errands that turned out to be fun.... just because, and then we just enjoyed being. Having time together before the school bell rang. No, there wasn't a first kiss or anything hot and steamy but better yet, there was giggling and real laughter.... something we haven't done together in a very long time.

We have a long way to go to get back to the way we used to be, but it felt so nice to meet Tom again. I haven't seen him for a long time.

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